Insider's Look at Ontario Museums

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Sifton-Cook Heritage Centre (Cobourg Museum Foundation) - Cobourg

Laughlin Taylor Burwash - Arctic Explorer

Laughlin Taylor Burwash - Arctic Explorer

Born in Cobourg, Ontario, Laughlin Burwash spent most of his life in Northern Canada, but often returned to his roots. He contributed immeasurably to...

Laughlin Burwash; Arctic

Ontario Regiment Museum - Oshawa

AQUINO TANK DAY - Documentary Short Film

AQUINO TANK DAY - Documentary Short Film

The Ontario Regiment Museum hosts Ontario's largest Military show each year. Visit the Museum on AQUINO TANK DAY to see live demonstrations...

Military Museum

Ermatinger Clergue National Historic Site - Sault Ste. Marie

An Insider's Look at the Ermatinger Clergue National Historic Site

An Insider's Look at the Ermatinger Clergue National Historic Site

Check out all we have to offer at the Ermatinger Clergue National Historic Site! Learn more at:

Museum Windsor - Windsor

Jacques Baby's portrait

Jacques Baby's portrait

Jacques (James) Baby (painted 1825-1830). B. in Detroit, 1763, member of local French mercantile family, was also a member of both the Executive and...

Windsor's Community Museum's Door fragment

Windsor's Community Museum's Door fragment

"Rectangular fragment of a door; keyhole through panel, routed from back to receive lock; opposite edge cut out for hinge; design is "The Holy Family...

Windsor's Community Museum Watch and Compass

Windsor's Community Museum Watch and Compass

This object was designed to tell time. The compass aspect of this item is used to determine north. Once north is determined, the shadow produced by...

Multicultural History Society of Ontario - Toronto

“Ship’s Log” Newsletter

“Ship’s Log” Newsletter

Canada has a long and proud history of being a haven for all manner of refugees and displaced people, especially those who have lost their homes on...

#Canada150 #immigration #refugees #SecondWorldWar