Insider's Look at Ontario Museums

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Upper Canada Village - Morrisburg

TV commercial for Upper Canada Village

TV commercial for Upper Canada Village

A television commecial for Upper Canada Village, Morrisburg, Ontario.

upper canada village

Timmins Museum: N.E.C. - Timmins

100 Objects - 100 years - A Peek into Timmins' Attic!

100 Objects - 100 years - A Peek into Timmins' Attic!

View of the gallery housing the 100 Objects - 100 Years exhibition created in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Timmins, on view until December...

Timmins Celebrates the 400th Anniversary of French Presence in Ontario!

Timmins Celebrates the 400th Anniversary of French Presence in Ontario!

Timmins Celebrates the 400th Anniversary of French Presence in Ontario!  

Owl, 1959

Owl, 1959

Stonecut rubbing by artist Lukta Qiatsuk, Cape Dorset, from the Inuit Prints: Japanese Inspirations exhibition at the Timmins Museum, February to...

The Muse: Lake of the Woods Museum and Douglas Family Art Centre - Kenora

Lake of the Woods Museum MOBILE TOUR

Lake of the Woods Museum MOBILE TOUR

The Lake of the Woods Museum Mobile Tour is an audio-visual tour of the museum presented on an iPad (a hand-held computer).  The Mobile Tour...

Lake of the Woods Museum Mobile Tour Sneak Peek

Lake of the Woods Museum Mobile Tour Sneak Peek

 The Lake of the Woods Museum Mobile Tour is an audio-visual tour of the museum presented on an iPad (a hand-held computer).  The...

Lake of the Woods Museum Gift Shop

Lake of the Woods Museum Gift Shop

The Lake of the Woods Museum Gift Shop stocks unique and interesting gift ware, children's toys and books by local authors and with local Kenora...