Oxford County Museum School Program

Children doing penmanship during the school program.
The Three R's
Until December 31, 2016

Spend time with your class in an early 20th century country school house doing reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic using actual artifacts of the period.  Children will experience a multi-grade classroom with lessons ranging from working on sums at the blackboard, reading from a Primer, learning geography from an assortment of period globes, nature studies using a portion of our bird collection, and more! 

Our newly expanded program now covers 8 grades, with more artifacts used in the classroom and a greater emphasis on role-playing.  With the use of character name tags, children assume the identity of a rural child from grades 1 to 8.  Through role-playing and hands-on learning, students will discover some of the many changes that have taken place in our schools during the past century.  Students are led through various rituals, drills, and lessons typical of an early 20th century school day, including cursive writing with straight pen and ink.  A brief recess allows students to enjoy old-time activities such as stilts, hoop and stick, and tug-of-war (weather permitting). 

Curriculum Links:

Grade 1: Social Studies – Rules and Responsibilities
Grade 2: Social Studies – Traditions and Celebrations
Grade 3: Social Studies – Early Settlements in Upper Canada
Grade 7: History – New France 
Grade 8: History – Canada a Changing Society

Target Audience: 
Grade 3 and up, home school groups
$3 per child, accompanying adults free.
Contact for Booking / Reservation: 
