Port Dover Harbour Museum Event

A "May is Museum Month" Presentation: The Voyage of Dollier de Casson and Galinee 1669-1670, with author John Ayre
Until May 3, 2019 (7:00 PM - 8:00 PM)

Author John Ayre will share the history of the journey of two Sulpician Priests and their seven soldier companions to Port Dover 350 years ago. Taken from Galinée’s journal and the map he created, the presentation will describe their expedition to the lands of the Seneca in upstate New York, their portage to the Grand River and their five months in Port Dover overwintering in solitude …until they were visited by the Iroquois! The story of their journey to lands where no European had ventured before and their return to Montréal was ultimately reported upon to the King of France and of New France, Louis XIV.
Fee: Admission by Donation. A special "May is Museum Month" presentation.

44 Harbour St., Port Dover, ON
John Ayre
